Complete Bullcrap - Five Goddamn Nights at Froddy's

Hello, my name is Generic Character. Recently, I got fired because I was being an ass. I coudn't find a job until I found this newspaper offer that said:
"Work at Froddy's Faggotty Pizza Palce, become a security guy for minimum wage. Our animatronics keep humping the children at daylight, so we switched them on free roam mode during the night so they don't get too horny. We will not be responsible for dismemberment, rape charges or death." I was like "Meh, what could go wrong?"
The next day I went to my job and started working, I looked into each of the areas of the pizza palace. Everything was normal until 2AM when Foxy popped out of the door and started humping me, it was so sexy, it was more sexy than that sexy scary photo a few stories ago. At the end, I fainted for 4 hours with jizz all over my body. I woke up and the owner went to my office. "What happened?" he said. I replied "Foxy went swiggity swooty and came for my booty and then came on me." I then died because it was too intense for me.
R.I.P. Me
1493 - 2014